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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Deep Learning Eternal Truth

I thought it might be of some interest to the followers of this blog (both of them) for me to say a few words connecting my present pre-occupations with the Carnap-flavour of the City of Eternal Truth, and this is it.

I spent a while a few years ago failing to complete a short book-shaped work entitled "Positive Philosophy and The Automation of Reason".  It ran into the sand in a very incomplete state at about 130 pages, and though I still felt positive about the enterprise I couldn't find the way to make it move again.

Of course (!) "reason" is the key weapon we have in the search for eternal truth. For a man of logical bent, surely the truths which most deserve that plaudit are the logical truths (though what are they?).

Notwithstanding the foundering of that project, it remains my life's pre-occupation to find some way of progressing that topic, or simply of articulating the ideas on it which jostle for attention in my head.
A few months ago I made a fresh start at that, shifting the context in which to progress the ideas.

The whole thing has always been for me a fence-sitting between the fields of philosophy and information systems engineering.  To automate reason is to develop software, and maybe, as is happening right now, to re-architect the hardware we use to execute the software (new hardware architectures for "Deep Learning",  beyond Von Neumann).  An architecture for reason and its application, depends on philosophical foundations.  The articulation of appropriate such foundations is an essential and should be a prominent feature of any such architecture.  On the other hand, even if the primary purpose is philosophical, the architectural application is a valuable way of testing the practical significance of various issues at stake.

One problem with a purely philosophical approach is the enormous difficulty in swimming against the tide of contemporary philosophical opinion, which in this sphere is unduly negative about the status of formal deductive systems as a result, for example, of the Godel's incompleteness results, and of Quine's skepticism about semantics and his consequent dismissal of the notion of logical truth as it was conceived by Carnap (aka analytic truth).

A shift of thinking from a philosophical perspctive on this problem to an architectural engineering perspective is liberating in a way which Carnap's principle of tolerance would endorse.
It allows the adoption of philosophical terminology, in the service of architectural exposition, on a pragmatic basis, sidestepping side issues which in this context may be regarded as metaphysical.

This is what I have done to progress the body of ideas with which I approach the "City of Eternal Truth".
I have moved the locus of my creativity from my web domain, hosting philosophical web pages and abortive book projects, to my github account (see:, where I now seek to articulate a 21st century successor to the idea of demonstrative science  found in Aristotle's  Organon, taking science here just as broadly as Aristotle did, encompassing theoretical, practical and productive sciences, and the role which deduction and logical truth plays in this broad arena.
Of course, putting the material at Github creates an expectation that these architectural philosophies will ultimately be translated into code.  Its a dream,

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I tried to comment here, but since my commentary was lengthy enough, I'll paste is as a separate post entry!
